Author Archives: Crikey Concrete Painters

About Crikey Concrete Painters

Crikey Concrete Painters are specialized in Floor Coatings, Floor Painting, Floor Sealing and Driveway Painting in Perth WA.

Different Types of Stains on Your Limestone Flooring


Limestone is the natural stone which is popularly used for flooring. Limestone flooring gives a beautiful impression in front of your guests. Many people use limestone in their floors, shower walls, and paver. There are different techniques for cleaning different limestone. If you want to clean limestone paver then you must use the right techniques. If you got stains in your limestone then removing them is a challenging task. Cleaning your limestone is very difficult especially when you don’t know anything about the stains. For your own benefits, we have listed down the different kinds of stains and tips for removing them.

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Organic Stains

Some of the common examples of organic stains are tea, coffee, foods, and urine. These stains can be removed by using peroxide or poultices. If you want to remove the urine stain then you can use chlorine bleach poultice. You can also use a fireplace cleaner to remove the fire stain. However, there are some organic which normally fade from the sun and rain.

Oil-Based Stains

powerful breakup spells

Oil-based stains are one of the common stains in limestone flooring. Removing them is a challenging task. Some of the common oil-based stains are grease, cosmetics, and oils. You must use Acetone so that you can remove oil stain. You need to make sure that you don’t use solvents which contain color agents or oil. After removing the stains you can also use a poultice.

Metallic stains

love problem solution

Removing metallic stains is quite a difficult process. You must use a reduction agent so that you can easily clean the metallic stains. Make sure that you remove these stains in the beginning so that you can remove them even more easily. If you notice that the stains are not going away then you should use naval jelly.

Biological Stains

Some of the common biological stains are algae, mildew, and lichens. You should know the right techniques to remove them easily. If you want to remove biological stains then you must use hydrogen peroxide. You can also use algae and mildew remover to kill the source of stain.

Ink Stains

If you have ink stains then it is quite easy to remove. All you need a poultice powder with mineral spirits so that you can easily ink, marker, and pen stain. These stains can also be removed through vigorous scrubbing.

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Posted by on February 15, 2019 in Construction


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Best Ways to Control and Clean Weed on Paving without Using Toxic Herbicides

paving cleaning in Perth

Your excellent clearing has begun looking unattractive because of weed. Weeds are extremely irritating. It is entirely simple to control weeds with herbicides. Be that as it may, there are a ton of plant specialists and property holders who abstain from utilizing herbicides. There is an authentic explanation for saying no to these harmful substances with regards to paving cleaning in Perth or anyplace else. Powerful breakup spells.

Individuals around the world are searching for and changing to non-synthetic contrasting options to substance based herbicides. There are bodies conflicting with the utilization of herbicides keeping in mind the end goal to limit pesticide buildups in water. A few governments are eliminating the utilization of these dangerous substances on open asphalts.

Here are some Eco-friendly guidelines for maintaining and cleaning a paving

Controlling Endure Weeds

Pavers are made from different materials. A material that is porous in nature allows drainage of water from the surface. This prevents the growth of weeds. A porous material is ideal if you want to minimize the chances of weeds. Leave almost no gap between pavers. Even if the material is porous, these gaps between pavers are enough for the growth of weeds. You cannot fill these gaps with any random material. Sand enriched with sodium silicate effectively prevents the growth of weeds. There should be no dust and dirt.

Forget-Me-Nots and Pick Pot Plants 

love problem solution. Sea sand is less expensive and less effective. However, still, it is better than the ordinary sand. There are some chances of growth of weeds. So, how to get rid of weeds? With hot water, only fewer treatments are required to maintain a tolerable weed-free state.


You can make use of a kettle and hot water to get rid of weeds. However, don’t forget to wear footwear and gloves for your protection. There are some other methods for controlling the growth of specific species. When you are choosing a specific method for specific weed, it might not work for other weeds. So, settle on different treatments occasionally. This will prevent the growth of most of the species of weeds

Waging a War against Weeds

Indian astrologer in New Jersey. Even when you utilize almost all treatments in order to prevent the growth of all species of weeds, still weed grows. Still, you have to go for paving cleaning in Perth. You want to keep your paving in the best shape. Cleanliness is important. So, when you consider methods for controlling different types of weeds, also consider different methods for cleaning paving. When you’re paving looks unsightly due to the growth of weed, look for a team providing expert paving cleaning in Perth.


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Why is Regular Floor Painting Essential?

Paint Floors WAWhen it comes to maintaining the authenticity and appeal of a place, a lot of elements count in the interior and exterior section. According to the paint floors WA professionals, if there is one thing that grabs maximum eyeballs, it is nothing but the flooring of a place. It is the flooring only that a person witnesses first as he enters a residential or commercial property.

If you call a place as the body, then flooring is definitely its soul and it can literally break or boost the curb appeal of a place. It is imperative to clean and paint it on regular basis due to the following reasons.

Top Reasons Regular Floor Painting Is Essential

  • To Get Rid of Pollutants

The first and foremost reason for cleaning and painting your floors on a regular basis is to get rid of all the pollutants that get accumulated over there with the passing of time. This can include anything like dust, dirt, debris, small pieces of stone, clothing etc. All these things when not cleared on time pile up which does not look nice at any cost.

  • To Maintain the Curb Appeal

The curb appeal of a place is all about how well the place is maintained and looks. In order to boost the curb appeal of your residential or commercial property, it is important that you get your floor painted. Dirty and ill-maintained flooring gives a negative impression of a place and the owner itself. On the other hand, when you paint a floor, you automatically provide a positive image to the guests.

  • To Extend Floor Life

Just as we explained above that maintenance is important in order to make a flooring look attractive, one thing which is equally important is nothing but the life of flooring. The life of flooring can really degrade if it is not cleaned and painted on a regular basis. When you paint floors WA, you make it healthy in each and every sense, eventually extending its life.

  • To Spice Things Up

It is important to make things interesting as one design and color can really bore you as an owner. So, in order to make things interesting, it is important to give your flooring a new life on a regular basis. This will not only make the flooring look attractive but the overall place in itself. So, this is pretty much the way to make your flooring look young, appealing, and attractive!

  • To Save Money

When you do not maintain your flooring, you end up making it look poor and unattractive. There are times when the flooring becomes so harsh due to the accumulation of pollutants that mere painting is not sufficient to bring it back to life. This results in the expense of making it pollutant free, appealing, and healthy which is never the case when you paint it on a regular basis explains a paint floors WA  professional!

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Posted by on January 2, 2018 in Construction


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How to Magnify the Beauty of Your Residential Driveway Paver?


Paver Cleaning ServiceWhen it comes to our homes, we want the best of things to make it look as appealing as possible both from inside as well as outside. The simple reason being our home is one of the most important assets we own and probably the best place in the entire world where we can life our lives peacefully.

This is what entices owners to put in efforts to make its exteriors and interiors attractive. From rooms to kitchen, curtains, flooring, everything is taken care of in the best possible way and even the home exteriors like wall paints, windows are well maintained.

However, when it comes to driveways, most of the owners do not pay close attention to it. According to the Paver Cleaning Services providers, they fail to realize that their driveway paver has the potential of taking the curb appeal of the home to a completely different level. So, how does one beautify it? Relax, as we brief you about the same!

Top 4 Ways to Boost Residential Driveway Paver’s Beauty

  1. Regular Cleaning & Maintenance

The first and foremost step in magnifying the beauty of your driveway paver is to ensure regular cleaning and maintenance. With the passing of time, pavers become dirty due to the accumulation of dirt, dust, and other pollutants. Moreover, it is used daily with vehicle and people leaving no chance to degrade its beauty. So, to get rid of all this, cleaning is essential.

  1. Matching Driveway Paver Color with Home Exterior

This is one of the best ways to make your driveway paver add to the curb appeal of your home. Try to paint the paver with the same color you used for your home’s exterior. Leading Paver Cleaning Services professionals explain this will make your house look absolutely astonishing and your driveway will resemble a road leading to direct heaven. So, full marks for this one!

  1. Maintaining Grass Both Sides

If you will maintain grass on both sides of the paver, it will be a complete package as far as your exteriors are concerned. Grass is one of the best natural beauties which, if maintained, can provide you with appealing results which you have never imagined. One thing to keep in mind over here is that you have to make sure the grass is distributed evenly to the surface and matches the same height as the paver is.

  1. Having Flowers Both Sides

Having flowers at both sides of the paver will add cherry to the cake. Since you have already made your paver so beautiful with color combination and grass, adding flowers to both sides and that too vibrant and varied ones will give you your masterpiece paver! We hope this gives you answer to how to magnify the beauty of a residential driveway paver. Just remember one thing i.e. to hire only licensed and experienced professionals for Paver Cleaning Services.


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Posted by on December 15, 2017 in Driveway Painting


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5 Benefits of Limestone Flooring Explained by Professionals!

Limestone Sealing

It hardly matters whether you are a residential or a commercial owner, you obviously want your premises to look as beautiful as it can be. Usually, it is all about how well the exterior and the interiors of the place look or is decorated. While exterior portion is directly proportional to the curb appeal of the place, the interior one holds an equal amount of importance too. From walls to furniture, curtains, flooring, everything counts and contributes in upgrading the inner beauty of a place.

Out of this, one thing that grabs maximum eyeballs is nothing but the flooring! According to Limestone Sealing Perth experts, flooring is one of the most important aspects when it comes to a place’s interior and even exterior flooring. Having said that, it is imperative that you get the most suitable and appealing flooring type for your premises! This is the reason limestone flooring is so much in demand these days mainly due to the following 5 reasons.

 5 Limestone Flooring Benefits

  1. Many Styles & Colors

Limestone flooring provides you with an option of choosing from its wide range of vibrant styles and colors according to your taste and preferences. You can choose colors such as beige, creams, brown, yellow, and a lot more. Apart from this, you have the option of going with leather, honed or glossy finish. It all depends on your choice as one can literally modify the main outcome accordingly.

  1. Long Lasting

Just like any other natural stone, limestone too has this amazing durability quality. It hardly wears down due to its strength but despite this, you get a very soft touch from it. If you remember the great pyramids, let us inform you that they were also constructed with the help of limestone and we all know the great durability that those massive structures have shown.

  1. Better Resale Value

Just as we explained above that limestone flooring is great when it comes to durability and this is the reason it holds immense importance in the eyes of buyers.  People are always looking to own a  place which has limestone flooring installed since it gives them the confidence that the flooring is going to stay for some time, eventually increasing its resale value. Just make sure you get the Limestone Sealing Perth work done if required any, before attempting to sale.

  1. Versatility

Versatility is what differentiates this natural stone from other types of flooring. It pairs well with any décor due to its classic earth tones and brings a natural element into your premises making it look earthy and elegant at the same time. You have the option of choosing it according to the pattern, size, and finish to match your needs effortlessly.

  1. Trouble-free Maintenance

Maintenance is something which each and every type of flooring demands. However, you do get a great respite when it comes to limestone flooring. The reason behind this is explained by Limestone Sealing Perth professionals. When limestone is used in the kitchens, bathrooms, and even outdoors, it fights off the mold and bacteria to a great extent due to its resistant nature, thus saving itself from their harmful effects, eventually saving a lot on maintenance.


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Step-by-Step Guide to Paint Your Driveway to Perfection!

What is the first thing you see when you enter a home or building? It is not the exteriors or interiors of the place but the driveway! Yes, your driveway is the first thing that people notice when they come to your place and as they say, the first impression is the last impression! One should maintain their driveway in order to save the curb appeal of the house from going down. It is not just for the people but yourself too as even you want that everything leading to your home is beautiful and attractive.

According to the leading Driveway Painting WA professionals, driveways get dirty with the passing of time and start losing out on their paint. This makes it evident that you paint your driveway on a regular basis. Although, professionals are the best people to this job but in case you are thinking to do it on your own, we have got a useful method for you to follow.



Step-by-Step Guide to Paint Your Driveway to Perfection

Step 1

Use a bristle broom to wipe your driveway thoroughly. Take help of concrete filler in order to patch any scratches or holes. Wait until it becomes dry so that you can sand the surface for further smoothness.

Step 2

Mix a ¼ cup of trisodium phosphate against one gallon of warm water to remove grease and oil stains from your driveway. It is important to wear protective gloves while you use a brush to work with this solution.

Step 3

The next step involves using a hose to rinse the driveway with a strong force of water. Post washing; allow the driveway to dry for at least the next 48 hours.

Step 4

It is advised to paint on a cool day or early in the morning as a bright sunny day can make the work a bit more tedious. It is due to the fact that the driveway becomes too hot to handle in bright sunlight. Apply one coat of bonding primer in order to make way for the paint to get a good hold of the surface and produce better results.

Step 5

Now open your paint and start with the edges first so that you create a good boundary to start off your painting innings. This step is done during most of the cases of painting because it makes painting the main area easier.

Step 6

Paint your driveway in sections of 2 to 3 feet after starting at the top of your driveway and working left to right on it before going down. Similar to painting a wall, keep a ‘wet edge’ handy with the paint roller.

Step 7

Before you proceed with the second coat, wait for the paint to dry. This is important if you want to deepen the color of the paint applied before. Also, do not ignore the instructions written on the paint can before you start using your driveway again. In case you find this work a tedious task, you always have the option of calling a top Driveway Painting WA professional!


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Restore your Paver with these DIY Painting Hacks

Restore your Paver with these DIY Painting Hacks

Do you have a concrete or limestone paving that that had a glorious appeal back in the day, but has lost all its charm now? And all you can think of is getting it replaced? Wait up! You can give it a restoration and explore your painting talent, both at the same time. We have some DIY painting tricks to get you started. All you need is a day off from work and some painting supplies; soon your clean limestone paving would turn into a thing of art!

clean limestone paving

What to paint would be solely your own decision but we will guide you on how to do it correctly. You will need Turpentine oil, a cleaning broom, a broad-tipped brush and some cans of acrylic patio paint according to the area of stone you are going to cover.


Before jumping onto the painting process, it’ll be necessary that you clean up the pavers nicely first. Any residual dirt or chips on them would hinder your painting delight later on. Use the cleaning broom thoroughly between the empty spaces of the paver units and make sure there is no debris left over there. This might stick onto the paint and mess up the texture of your paint later.

Check Painting Conditions

Paver painting needs the favourability of weather conditions as well. A cool temperature is not advisable for the job as the paint would not stick onto the paving’s surface appropriately. A warm day with the temperature significantly over 50° F would be ideal. In addition to that, pre-check the weather forecast for the day as if it rains that day, whole of your hardwork would be lost. You can also make a pencil outline of your artwork pre-hand on the paver before using the paint for that extra cleanliness.

Usage of Turpentine Oil

Turpentine oil acts as a solvent for the thick acrylic patio paint. Using it will really help you work with the paint in a much easier and cleaner way. Add the oil to 1/4th part of the paint’s quantity and make sure you mix both the things in a separate container.

Use of Turpentine oil is a little dangerous for you as it is a flammable material; therefore extra caution has to be used in the form of gloves and a breathing mask while handling it.

Number of Coats

You will need multiple coats of the paint for the desired finish. Usually, two coats are enough but sometimes even three may be required. Each coat will take about 6-8 hours of time to dry completely and once you are sure that it has dried up nicely then only go ahead with the next coat.  Turpentine oil is to be used in the first coat only; all other coats can be painted as it is.

Once done you will have a beautiful and clean limestone paving that’ll last for several years to come.


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What Are the Benefits of Epoxy Floor Coating?

Floor Coatings in Perth

We want every nook and corner of our home to be beautiful. And, floor is not an exception. The floor has to be beautiful and safe as well. Just like at our home, we want our office floor safe and beautiful. Epoxy floor coating is the best coating you can apply on floor made of concrete or any other natural stone. This coating makes the floor attractive and also increases its performance. Epoxy floor coating is the first choice for coating residential and commercial floors. This coating is ideal for warehouses, food and beverage plants, industrial manufacturing plants, laboratories, pharmaceutical manufacturing buildings and more.

Advantages of Epoxy Coating

Epoxy coating will turn the residential or commercial floor into a hard wearing, durable and high gloss surface. Epoxy floor coating offers benefits as long as the floor survives. It requires minimum maintenance to provide long-term results. Following are the benefits of epoxy floor coating on residential and commercial floors:

Easy To Clean

High quality epoxy floor coating product quickly dries. It results into a durable and seamless surface. An epoxy coating floor is easy to clean. You can easily wipe the dust, dirt and debris. This is the reason why this floor coating is ideal for food and beverages, and pharmaceutical industries.

Hard Wearing and Durable Surface

The epoxy coated floor is less prone to wear and tear. This is a durable coating that serves your needs for years to come.

Attractive Surface

Epoxy floor coating is available in different colors and styles. You can choose a single solid color or use multiple colors for creating decorative designs and patterns. It endows the floor with shine and a new life.

Chemical Resistant

Its ability to resist chemicals makes it ideal for laboratories, warehouses and industrial plants where chemicals are stored or handled.


The epoxy coating creates slip, fire, impact and heat resistant surface. Therefore, it increases floor safety at home and in industrial plants.

Wear Resistant

In industrial plants, you have to move heavy material from one place to another. Epoxy coating can easily endure heavy traffic without any wear or tear.


This is ideal for homeowners and companies looking for a green alternative.

Ideal for Any Floor    

No matter whether the floor is old or new, you can easily and quickly apply an epoxy coating.

Cost Efficient

It is one of the most cost-efficient floor coating options available to you. Moreover, it lasts for years with negligible maintenance cost.

So, if you are a homeowner or you are running an industrial plant, epoxy Floor Coatings in Perth WA is the best option available to you. All you have to do is to find a reputed company offering floor coating services in Perth WA.


5 Signs Your Pavement Needs Cleaning & Sealing Explained by Experts!

Paving Cleaning Perth

Paving Cleaning Perth

The pavement of a place is the soul of its beauty. Be it your home or office, paving not only makes your surface look attractive but also add curb appeal to it. Also, walking on a beautiful, neat and attractive pavement gives a great feel to the mind and body! However, with the passing of time, paving tends to lose out on its beauty due to a couple of reasons.

This also shows in the outlook of your home or office as a poorly maintained paving does not match with the exterior beauty of a place. Paving should be cleaned and well maintained in order to keep its attractiveness intact. The following signs will help you in determining the real cause of the lost beauty of your pavement.

5 Signs You Need Paving Cleaning Perth

  1. Dirt & Dust

Dirt & Dust

Dirt and dust are two factors which affect the beauty of your paving to a great extent. Getting rid of them on regular basis through washing is a great idea in order to maintain the charm of your paving. However, when this goes unnoticed, dust and dirt starts to thicken and you need professional power washing for the same.

  1. Moss & Weed Growth


When you don’t want dirt and dust to play with your pavement’s charm, how can you see unattractive moss and weed growth there? Moss and weed can grow on your pavements without giving you any notice. It is actually when they have grown up to quite an extent, you start getting worried. Taking Paving Cleaning Perth professional help will help you in getting your paving cleared of any such growth.

  1. Cracks


With the aging of paving, cracks are a form of normal development. It is as a result of water freezing and expanding within the concrete or poor joint structuring. These cracks can grow worse, if one uses chemicals to get rid of them. No matter how big or small the crack is, it definitely spoils your mood when you look at your paving. Getting professional help at the earliest will stop them grow in size and get fixed easily.

  1. Potholes

Potholes are not only annoying to see on your paving but can also lead to a fall causing serious injuries, if the size is big enough. Moisture infiltration and untreated cracking are primary reasons for pots to develop. It just eats into your pavement’s attractiveness, making it look shabby. This is the time you need a good sealing repair or replacement in order to bring back the lost charm of your paving.

  1. Dullness

As your pavement ages, it loses its shine and starts to look dull. Regular washing and maintenance surely keep it in the best of standards. However, ignoring the same takes away its charm in no time. A fresh Paving Cleaning Perth will not only bring back its original shine back but also prevent all the above damages from occurring in the first place.


D-I-Y Steps to Paint a Concrete Floor Explained by Professionals!

Getting hands down to paint your Concrete Coatings in Perth is definitely a great way to improve the performance and looks of your floor. Painting concrete floor is much different than painting a standard floor. The reason behind this is the diverse kind of needs and characteristics of a concrete floor.

So, if you are looking to dress up your floor with a style statement, you need to be fully aware of the steps and the things needed for it.

Concrete Coatings Perth

Always remember, there is very less distinction between a style statement and a mess and if you don’t carry out your concrete floor painting steps in the best manner, it will surely be a mess.

D-I-Y Steps to Paint a Concrete Floor

Step 1: Cleaning the Concrete Floor

Cleaning the Concrete Floor

The first and foremost step in painting a concrete floor is the cleaning part of the floor. It is vital that the concrete must be clear so that the paints and sealers are able to tie properly. Remove the dust and debris with one product and the efflorescence (white powder capable of developing wet concrete) with the other one. Post removing dust and debris, use a cleanser and a scrub brush designed especially for concrete to wash the floor.

Step 2: Applying Sealer to Concrete Floor

Applying Sealer to Concrete Floor

The reason we are going to apply sealer here is to prevent the moisture from emerging out of the floor and spoiling the paint.

It is important to let the sealer cure for days between coats to gain maximum protection.

Always, read the manual carefully for painting Concrete Coatings Perth home or office before mixing and curing the sealer. Have a paint roller to even the sealer

over concrete after each and every coat. To apply sealer to the edges and corners more efficiently with each coat, employing a paintbrush is suggested greatly.

Step 3: Applying Concrete Primer to Concrete Floor

Applying Sealer to Concrete Floor

In order to seal any kind of gaps or voids and give the floor a flat appearance, it is imperative to use the primer.

Use a paint tray to pour the primer and slowly dip a roller in the primer. Use even strokes to roll it on the floor so that the floor receives a smooth and equal proportion of primer.

As discussed above, use the paintbrush to primer the corners and edges of the floor flawlessly.

Step 4: Painting the Concrete Floor

Painting the Concrete Floor

So, here comes the final step in painting the concrete floor. Use a paint tray to pour some masonry paint and slightly immerse the masonry roller into the paint tray to coat it nicely. Now simply spin the masonry paint smoothly on the floor, overlapping strokes in the gentlest manner. Apply the same to the corners and edges of the floor with a paintbrush and leave the paint to dry for the next 24 hours. For best results for Concrete Coatings Perth, apply the coat 2 to 3 times to the floor.

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Posted by on April 26, 2017 in Uncategorized